
Limpiador Intensivo de Colon

60 Cápsulas | Suplemento de limpieza de Colon natural de 10 días

¿Qué causa el estreñimiento, los gases y la hinchazón?

El estreñimiento es causado por demasiadas heces que quedan en los intestinos y generalmente es causado por no comer suficiente fibra y agua, así como por no hacer suficiente actividad física. Los gases suelen ser el resultado del estreñimiento y la hinchazón y pueden ser un problema embarazoso. La hinchazón a menudo es causada por intolerancias alimentarias y gases atrapados donde el cuerpo no puede procesar adecuadamente ciertos alimentos. Si eres propenso a tener gases e hinchazón, también puedes intentar eliminar o limitar algunos alimentos en tu dieta. Algunos de los peores culpables son los frijoles, las lentejas, las coles de Bruselas, el repollo, los edulcorantes artificiales y los productos lácteos (si tienes problemas con la lactosa). También puedes probar una limpieza de colon natural para ayudar a aliviar el estreñimiento, los gases y la hinchazón si es un problema continuo para ti. Un limpiador de colon natural también puede tener muchos otros beneficios además de ayudar con el estreñimiento, los gases y la hinchazón, incluso ayuda a eliminar el exceso de toxinas. La limpieza del sistema digestivo es importante para tu salud y función, especialmente si tienes una dieta pesada.


El suplemento Limpiador Intensivo de Colon está diseñado como un suplemento completo de 10 días para ayudar con el estreñimiento, los gases y la hinchazón. Para usarlo, simplemente tome 2 cápsulas 3 veces al día con cada una de sus comidas principales. Haga esto durante 10 días consecutivos y asegúrese de beber mucha agua. Reduce la ingesta si se produce un poco de gas o hinchazón.

La formula

Lista completa de ingredientes

Ingredientes activos: fibra de arroz integral (salvado), cáscara de psyllium, polvo de pectina de manzana (fruta), goma arábiga, lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacterium infantis, polvo de raíz de jengibre, FOS (fructooligosacáridos), calcio (como carbonato de calcio), magnesio (como magnesio óxido), selenio (como selenito de selenio), potasio (como cloruro de potasio), agente de carga: celulosa microcristalina, antiaglomerante: estearato de magnesio, cápsula vegetal: hipromelosa (HPMC).


Este suplemento dietético está hecho con una variedad de ingredientes naturales, por lo que no tiene efectos secundarios conocidos. Como antes de tomar cualquier suplemento nuevo, siempre recomendamos revisar los ingredientes para evitar alergias personales. Este suplemento sólo está destinado a un curso intensivo de 10 días y para mayores de 18 años.

5 Estrellas
4 Estrellas
3 Estrellas
2 Estrellas
1 Estrella


reviews 4.5

90.55% Radicado en 270 Opiniones de los clientes

Compra verificada

Was reading a lot about this product and looks that it works from first day I started use it.

R Rasa V
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Worked well over the 10 day period. Didn’t suffer any cramping etc. The only reason for not awarding 5 stars is the high price point. Almost £30 for a ten day supply. I have ordered more, but will try to reduce my usage if possible.

A Anne
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An item that many sell, under different names, but I chose 'WeightWatchers' as a trusted name, seems to have helped.

J John
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Found this product worked very well for me

L Linda
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Looked at different versions of this product, but I wanted a name I trusted, like WeightWorld UK, it arrived fast, and it helped even more than I expected, Never felt so well, just received a new supplly,

J John
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It Good colon cleanse and it works well.

D Daniel M
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Seems very good product

P Peter G
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It does the job but I found very strong so instead of using 3 times a day, I use once or maximum 2.

I Imelda
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Seems absolutely fine, but I will have to wait for 10 days to assess results.

M Miss F
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Another repeat order of Intensive Colon Cleanse, Quality Product, Which Really Works Well, & Top Price, Sent Quickly as Always, Many Thanks John

J John
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I felt great the day after!

J Jo W
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I use it every once in a while when I have digestive problems and colon pain. For me, it is one of the best colon cleansers I have used

D Dina
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On last day of the 10-day course. Definitely feeling a positive difference. Tolerated the product very well, no bloating, no gas. Recommend for sure.

A Avril
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I've always had regular bloating for many years. My stomach always feels like its churning hard and makes funny noises when i'm in the quietest of situations. It was embarrassing. Ever since taking Intensive colon cleanse i haven't had anything whatsoever.

E Eddie
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Works like a treat!

S Silvia
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I have some issues for a while and finally feel a lot better, have now ordered my second lot!

D David
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This is really good, use it a lot

R Rosa
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I feel so much less bloated and smoother now, would definitely recommend to anyone

K Kery
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Feel really good after the 10 days of using this although I thought 10 days was quite long

P Peter
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I like this and would use again for sure

B Belinda
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Great product!

S Sara
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I feel a lot better inside and have actually lost a bit of weight too so very happy, was hoping for it to help with my digestive problems but didn't expect to actually lose a bit of weight too!!!

C Catherina
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5 Stars!

A Anónimo
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Wasn't sure how effective this would be when I first bought it but it's actually worked a lot better than I imagined!

K Katarina
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I feel better but don't think ive lost any weight yet

R Robert
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Very easy to use and worked well for me

S Sandra
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Did'nt feel that great but after felt wonderful

K Kisha
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Fell so much lighter and refreshed once I used this, used to have a few issues but this really helped!

J Julia
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i like how ou just take it for 10 days, very simple but works

E Eva
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Feel very clean and healthier, its a strange but good feeling

K Karma
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works very well

F Fran
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Will definitely be buying again soon

M Mark
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I used this for the full 10 days and I have to say I feel so much better!

J Jaana
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I keep feeling bloated and constipated and this really helped. It is a bit expensive, but I wouldn't use it all the time.

D Dayna
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10 days is a good time for taking this and I do feel better and I am on day 6.

D Delilah
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Good price for what you get

S Sonia
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I think it is good but only has 10 days

H Hana
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My stomach was experiencing cramps and really bad movements recently and I needed flush out. This in 10 days has literally made me a new man. Great for a clean out inside!

E Emma
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i bought this product because i tend to get very bloated even tho i eat a healthy diet, i have used almost the whole jar now and i do feel much less bloated and lighter will most likely buy again to maintain happy tummy.

A Abi
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Excellent product, I have virtually no bloating now. Highly recommended

C Carly
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Quick delivery, good price and easy to take

J Jemma
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Excellent product! Made me feel less swollen and bloated and so much better in myself! Highly recommend

H Heather
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good item, works well i believe

H Hannah
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easy to swallow & it works

J John
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These worked wonders & felt happy after buying weightworld's Intensive colon cleanse

G Gary
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I was having really bad cramps and poor stomach. After the full 10 day course, I feel like a new man!!! Would highly highly recommend

I Ida
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Did exactly what it said on the tin and I feel far far better!

L Linda
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Wasn’t uncomfortable to use and they have fixed all of my irritations

C Chris
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I have used the 5 days so far, I feel a little better but hopefully I will feel great after the full 10

V Veronica
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Amazing product and have helped me with bloating and pains in my stomach, couldn’t praise these more!

B Bee
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These have bee working well and very quickly! Only 3 days in and feel great

A Alan
Compra verificada

Great product and great service, will use you guys again

R Rachael
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Haven’t used these yet, but I want to say the customer service and delivery was amazing and I would recommend this company to my friends

L Lionel
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Après une semaine de prise j'ai ressenti une nette amélioration au niveau de mon ventre. Je suis moins ballonnée et j'ai un meilleur transit. Je suis satisfaite.

S Sylvie
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Il semblerais qu'après 3 jours d'utilisation que le produit soit efficace.(Je vais à la selle plus souvent, en espérant que cela soit un signe de nettoyage du colon)

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Début de traitement donc il faut encore attendre pour voir le résultat

V Vanessa M
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très bon produit, efficace la gêne intestinale disparait rapidement. Je conseil ce produit aux personnes ayant le colon paresseux

c christine L
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Personnellement contente du site et du produit

M Merabet C
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Pas encore commencé à l'utiliser

C Christian B
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Bonjour à tous, J'ai commencé ma cure du colon cleanse intensive qui n'est pas encore terminé mais dès les premières prises, je dois dire que j'ai sentie une belle sentation de bien- être..... c'est sûr ça travaille et nettoie de l'intérieur . Deux fois par an.😉 Essayer c'est l'adopter.

M Majda A
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Pas d'avis encore tout nouveau mais bon je sais que ses de bon produits. ..

E Elinda
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Je suis en cours de cure. Pas de perte de poids significative sur la balance, mais un ventre beaucoup moins ballonné donc plus plat. Je vais plus souvent au WC avec la sensation d'avoir fini à la fin :)

N Nathalie
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Mon ventre a dégonflé de façon significative Sans douleur J'ai aussi constaté une meilleure digestion Je n'ai pas changé mon alimentation À recommander !!!

M Murielle M
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Bon produit . Livrer dans les temps.

P Patricia B
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J'étais dubitative mais les effets escomptés semblent arriver à la fin de la cure.

Compra verificada

Pour ma part, le produit à fait son job.

Compra verificada

Enfin un nettoyant du colon efficace et à un prix abordable. On apprécie !

S Sandrine
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moins de gaz ,mais pas encore termine la prise

a annie S
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Super produit.nickel

b bergès I
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Très efficace Fonctionne rapidement sans douleur au ventre

C Carole D
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Le produit à l'air d'avoir fait son effet. Intensive Colon Cleanse après une prise de 10 jours, je me sens bien après les repas, plus de sensation de ballonement, de constipation. C'est vite vu, je ne me suis jamais sentie aussi bien depuis longtemps après les repas. On m'a diagnostiqué un syndrome du côlon irritable, douleurs après chaque repas, constipation et ballonement. Et là, hop plus rien comme par magie. Je recommande Intensive Colon Cleanse les yeux fermés. D'ailleurs, j'en ai racheté une boîte pour mon mari.

A Ariane B
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J'ai vu les premiers effets dès le deuxième jour de prise. Efficace. J'ai débuté par un flacon. Je vais faire une cure complète. Convaincue

K Karina P
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G Genevieve C
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Je n'ai pas encore commencé ma cure donc, je ne peux pas vous dire si le produit est efficace. Par contre, au niveau des caractéristiques, le produit est bien conditionné, bien emballé. Excellent rapport qualité-prix. Et surtout, depuis que j'ai découvert votre site WeightWorld.fr, j'adore passer mes commandes. Bonne continuation. Cliente satisfaite

S Sylfleur
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Est très efficace

M Maryn' M
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Very nice!

J Johanna F
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très très bien

V Valérie V
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Efficace !👌

B Bekaert
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J Johanna F
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Un bon produit qui me soulage rapidement en cas de rare crise d'inflammation de mon côlon en prenant une gélule ou deux en une seule prise avec un peu d'eau.

M Muriel B
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Très efficace

L Laura R
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Un très bon complément alimentaire detoxifies vraiment très bien le colon moi qui suis fragile ça m’aide beaucoup

M Mme S
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Très efficace déjà le premier jour

V Valerie V
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Hyper efficace

V Valerie V
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Je n'ai pas encore commencé ma cure donc, je ne peux pas vous dire si le produit est efficace.

M Michailidis
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Le je conseille vraiment

C Cátia A
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Sur moi ce produit à bien fonctionné

P Philippe C
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Parfait ++++

B Bernard C
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Produits correct mais sans trop d’effets

C Christine M
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Disons que c'est un laxatif.

L Letizia F
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très bien ce nettoyeur de côlon, j'avais vraiment besoin de me purifier le corps après un été trop chargé en gourmandises

L Lauriane
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comme c'est un nouveau produit j'ai voulu essayé j'ai bein reçu le produit je vous en dis plus dans 1 mois

V Viviane
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Simplement super. Je me sent revivre !

M Mélanie P
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Efficace. Livraison rapide.

E Eloise l
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Colis tout juste reçu. Je ne l'ai pas encore testé, je vous en dit plus dans 2 mois, à la fijn du traitement

M Marina T
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Après 3 semaine de prise du produit, je suis plus que ravi. J'ai moins de ballonement et vais plus facilement aux toilettes. Je vais quand même finir le traitement mais pour l'instant tout va bien

E Eric T
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Totalement ce que je cherchais. Merci Weightworld :)

E Eleonore S
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j'ai pris le colon cleanse durant 2 mois avec du raspberry ketone pour un régime. J'ai bien perdu du ventre et j'avais moins de douleurs dus à la digestion.

M Matthieu N
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Je pense que c'est bien, dommage que ce soit pour 10 jours seulement.

H Hana
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Je l'ai utilisé pendant les 10 jours complets et je dois dire que je me sens beaucoup mieux!

J Jaana
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Je me sentais gonflé et constipé et cela m'a vraiment aidé. C'est un peu cher, mais je ne l'utiliserais pas tout le temps.

D Dayna
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10 jours de cure est parfait et je me sens mieux étant arrivé au 6ème jour.

D Delilah
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Bon prix pour ce que vous obtenez

S Sonia
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Excellent produit, je n\'ai plus de crampes, de diarrhée ni de gaz après manger. Le bonheur! Cure à refaire sans hésiter.

S Sylvia
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Je recommande sans hésiter le produit m’a fait beaucoup de bien. Je souffrais depuis des années de constipation et de reflux gastrique

R Rama
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L'ho comprato per la mia ragazza, ha visto ottimi risultati, si sente molto più leggera.

L Luca
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Dopo i primi giorni gia si vedono i primi risultati! Buonissimo prodotto!! Funziona davvero

G Giada S
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Molto buono. Fa quel dice. Però finita la confezione il problema gonfiore è tornato.

P Patrizia
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Lo sto prendendo da 2 settimane e sento addirittura migliorare l’aspetto della pelle. Pulizia profonda e sopratutto naturale!!

P Polina B
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Ottimo acquisto

A Antonio S
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Ottimo, e ottima qualità prezzo... Aiuta a diminuire il gonfiore, perfetto per recuperare energia in 10 giorni.

T Teresa
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Buon prodotto

R Riccardo M
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S Svitlana B
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ottimo prodotto

a antonio C
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Ottimo prodotto. Lo usa mia madre che ha sempre avuto problemi all'intestino irritabile. E con questo prodotto la situazione è migliorata notevolmente

S Sabrina O
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Buon prodotto

s stefania B
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Lo sto utilizzando da una settimana. Direi ottimo!

F Francesca T
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Ottimi prodotti

E Eliana D
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Un prodotto che ripulisce l'intestino, svuotando l'aria in eccesso e donando buon umore

A Antonio S
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prodotto buono

l luciano M
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Forse non sono stata molto precisa nel quotidiano, ma comunque non mi ha fatto nessuna controindicazione di effettui indesiderati.

c cliente S
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Un solo aggettivo: favoloso

C Claudio
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Il prodotto è davvero fantastico

M Massimo
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Un prodotto senza eguali Lo straconsiglio

C Cliente
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Molto efficace, nessuna manifestazione indesiderata

V Vito C
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Buono, ma non per le mie aspettative

D Daniela R
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Buon prodotto

g giuseppe C
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Buon prodotto, fa il suo dovere

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Faccio un ciclo di 10 gg periodicamente con grande beneficio per tutto l’organismo.

m mara G
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Ottimo prodotto

A Antonello F
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Ottimo prodotto GENTILISSIMI molto soddisfatta grazie

A Alessandra T
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Ottimo prodotto

M Maria G
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Mi è stato utilissimo e mi ha aiutato con il mio problema ...lo trovo più che valido e ottimo qualificato prezzo

S Samantha O
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Prodotto buono sia come qualità che come prezzo.

A Angela D
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Prodotto validissimo, consigliatissimo

e enrica R
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Ottimo prodotto Sto ancora assumendo le capsule

S Silvia
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Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo ed ottimo prodotto

e elena D
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Mi ha aiutato a risolvere il problema che avevo

I Isotta
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Preso nel periodo giusto cioè nel passaggio inverno primavera fa il suo dovere, e il colon ringrazia..

R Riccardo
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Devo ancora capirlo bene, se mi ti aiuta al 100% o no

L Lucio R
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Cercavo da un po' di tempo i prodotti Digestive Science e sono contenta di averli trovati su WeightWorld

L Letizia da Modena
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Un pò caro il pagamento alla consegna per me che non ho una carta di credito, ma almeno qui è possibile farlo.

D Davide
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Ottima spedizione, arrivata nei tempi previsti, grazie a tutti.

F Federica
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Non avevo idea che far funzionare correttamente il proprio colon facesse perdere peso così facilmente!!

S Silvia
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Digestione molto più veloce

O Ombretta
Compra verificada

Non mi ero mai fidata dell'efficacia dei prodotti naturali, con questo mi sono ricreduta al 100%

M Marianna
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Tempi di consegna perfetti!

M Martina
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Ho già perso qualche etto grazie al migliore funzionamento del colon

S Samuele
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Davvero sorpresa dall'efficacia!

T Tiziana
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Un prodotto molto valido

L Lia
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Un ottimo prodotto per depurare l'intestino dalle scorie in modo naturale

A Annalisa
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In solo 10 giorni mi sento molto meglio e ho perso 3 kg!

M Matteo
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Sono molto soddisfatta del prodotto che fa quel che promette. Ho fatto l'ordine al telefono. Spedizione molto veloce

C Chiara Potaglia
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Volevo effettuare la pulizia del colon con un prodotto naturale..Sono molto contenta!

R Roberta
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Prodotto molto valido

M Michela
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Ho seguito il trattamento per dieci giorni e devo dire che mi sento molto meglio. Non solo ho di nuovo una digestione regolare ma ho anche perso quasi 2 kg! Fantastico!

A Annalisa
Compra verificada

Molto soddisfatto del prodotto, 10 giorni passano in fretta e ci si sente meglio già al secondo giorno. Ho pagato alla consegna e fatto l'ordine al telefono, l'operatore è stato molto cortese ed esaustivo.

R Roberto Mattei
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ottimo prodotto molto efficace

M Marta
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Ho sempre avuto problemi con la digestione anche a causa di una dieta molto irregolare e piena di schifezze. Ho deciso di provare un prodotto naturale su consiglio del mio medico dopo un esame per alcuni fastidiosi disturbi. Ho provato Intensive Cleanse e devo dire che sono molto soddisfatto dei risultati ottenuti: non solo vado regolarmente di corpo ma mi sento anche più attivo nel corso della giornata. Non consiglierei di andare oltre i dieci giorni di trattamento ma di farlo una volta ogni tanto. Ho pagato con carta e la spedizione ha impiegato solo 3 giorni.

B Bruno Damiani
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funziona veramente e fa anche perdere peso

A Antonella
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gentilissima la signorina al telefono che ha saputo consigliarmi fra questo e un altro prodotto che però durava di più. sono molto contenta del risultato e sicuramente tornerò ad acquistare da questo sito prima o poi perché sono seri

L Lucia Marroni
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Direi insuperabile

B Bia
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Nachdem ich die Zehntage-Kur gemacht habe, gehts mir eindeutig besser.

R Raffi Raff
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wirkt wie es wirken soll. fühle mich nach der kur nicht mehr so aufgebläht

T Theres
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Ich habe es 10 Tage benutzt und ich muss sagen, dass ich mich viel besser fühle!

J Jaana
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Echt tolles Produkt. Meine Probleme mit der Verdauung sind schon besser geworden.

E Emilie
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Gutes Produkt. Qualität stimmt und scheint zu funktionieren.

E Emilio
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Preis Leistung passt. Bin sehr zufrieden und ich fühl mich besser und auch fitter. Auch die Lieferung war schnell.

L Lena-Sophie
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Die Wirkung ist super nur die Kapseln sind mir etwas zu umständlich und ich kann sie nur schwer schlucken.

M Mila
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Gibt nichts daran auszusetzen. Mein Darm scheint wieder problemlos zu funktionieren und ich hab definitv weniger Blähungen.

L Lea Eichinger
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Gutes Produkt kann man empfehlen.

A Anónimo
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Ich hab für meine Verdauungsprobleme ein natürliches Mittel gesucht. Ich bin sehr zufrieden weil meine Verdauung hat sich nach und nach wieder selbst reguliert. Spitzen Produkt!

L Leonie
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Ich fühle mich immer aufgebläht und verstopft und das hat wirklich geholfen. Es ist ein bisschen teuer, aber ich benutze es nicht die ganze Zeit.

D Dayna
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Ich finde es gut hat der Inhalt reicht für 10 Tage aus

H Hana
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10 Tage sind eine gute Zeit dafür und ich fühle mich besser und bin am 6. Tag.

D Delilah
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Guter Preis für das, was man bekommt

S Sonia
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Jag har provat den förut och ville prova den igen. Jag är super nöjd

R Roshanak B
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Fin produkter, osäker om den funkade, kommer nog testa den igen och faktiskt verkligen köra ordentligt med maten

W Wilhelmina
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Nothing happened efter 10 days

M Martynas P
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S Selma B
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Det hjälpte mig mycket och jag kände stort skillnad

I Ibtihal H
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Har blivit mycket bättre i magen efter en kur med intensiv colon

s stefan
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Produktens innehåll borde kunna hjälpa problem med matsmältningen, men tyvärr märkte jag ingen förbättring.

B Bengt A
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Det var jätte bra medel utan bevärkningar

S Salwa H
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Kanonprodukt! Hjälper när du behöver hjälpen, så rekommenderar Intensive Colon Cleans å det bästa. Dessutom leverans utan att klaga ett dyft. Weightworld! Jaa!

U Ulla E
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Det var så effektivt produkt och jag kommer att använda den igen nästa år. Rekommenderar!

N Nilufer W
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Min mage började fungera som den ska

a anne-li H
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Tog minst 4 dagar innan rensningen kom. Mycket bra produkt. Rekommenderar den.

B Beatrice P
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Körde en 10 dagars detox innan semestern kombinerat med med en hälsosam kost. Är helnöjd med produkten och att ha förlorat nästan 4 kilo och fått mer energi. Jag kommer definitivt att köpa det igen!

M Minna Ölvebo
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Hade inte förväntar mig alltför mycket från detta men blev positivt överraskad. Har inte gått ner i vikt så mycket men känner mindre uppblåst och mer bekväm. Tänkte köpa erat viktminskningspaket med Digestive Science och Garcinia Cambogia den här gången för att gå ner i vikt och detoxa kroppen den här gången då jag vill gå ner i vikt lite också!

B Beatrice, 26
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Den här produkten fungerade över förväntan. Liksom de flesta tillskott, oavsett om de är naturläkemedel eller receptbelagda, så tar det en dag eller två innan du börjar känna någon effekt men om du forsätter kuren så borde du också märka en tydlig skillnad. Jag har ofta ont i magen eller känner mig uppsvälld och det har vart ett stort problem för mig. Det första jag märkte efter några dagar var att den uppblåsta känsla som jag haft så mycket problem med var borta. Jag märkte inte det direkt utan det slog mig plötsligt att det var borta. Min mage var också plattare och efter 10 dagar så känns min mage mycket bättre, detta var något som jag behövde.

F Filippa K
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Såg en artikel i en tidning som hur detta underlättar matsmältningen. Jag har ofta problem med uppblåsthet efter att jag ätit så trodde jag skulle ge det ett försök med en detox. Fungerar perfekt och jag är nu på min tredje order. Ge det ett försök och du kommer inte bli besviken!

M Margareta, Örebro
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Mycket nöjd med produkt och service!

C Catarina Fredriksson
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jag har ett stressigt jobb och inte alltid tid att tänka på det jag äter vilket tror jag lett till diverse magproblem och stress, efter denna kur mår jag mycket bättre!!

T Tommy, 42, Karlshamn
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Jag känner mig så mycket bättre efter min 10 dagars utrensning. Jag har provat andra detoxkurer och detta är helt klart den som fungerat bäst.

A Annabell F
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Så enkel detox att göra, kommer definitivt göra en till om ett par månader

J Johanna
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Det är lite svårt att förklara men jag känner mig renare på insidan vilket är en lite underlig men samtidigt mycket trevlig känsla

S Sophie
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Gillar att detoxen bara är på 10 dagar så känns inte som om man kommer glömma ta några tabletter och få nedsatt effekt

A Anna
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Jag mår mycket bättre, men tror inte jag gick ner i vikt. Var visserligen inte det viktigaste, men hade varit en trevlig bonus

E Eva
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Pillerna fungerade bättre än förväntat!

R Rickard
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Det tog ett par dagar innan det kom igång, men nu mår jag mycket bättre

D David
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Mycket trevligt att ta en paus i mellan. Det är min tredje gång jag köper produkten nu och har varit mycket nöjd med produkten

M Marie
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Min pojkvän och jag har det som rutin att göra en detox två gånger om året. En strax före sommaren och en annan vid jul .. Intensive kolon detox är perfekt och ger en känsla av renhet och välmående

F Fanny
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Den har været god det har hjulper

B Birthe J
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Perfekt 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

M Melissa B
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Et godt produkt.

B Birthe J
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Har desværre ikke fået særligt stort udbytte af dette produkt og Det er for dyrt ift mængden,

Z Zinab P
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super god effekt - smerter og hævelse frosvandt efter ca 4 dages kur.

v vibeke R
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Hurtig levering. Gode produkter. Tak❤️

J Jytte
Compra verificada

Det som jeg synes bedst om ved produktet er, at det er en mild udrensning. Det er ikke afføringspiller, og ingen mavesmerter følger med. Alligevel, mærker man forskellen. Mindre oppustethed, mere velvære og en bedre følelse i maven.

S Susi K
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Min kæreste og jeg har det som rutine at tage en udrensning to gange om året. En lige før sommer og en anden i julen, så vi kan blive udrenset og forholde os sunde i de perioder, hvor det er vigtigst.. Intensive Colon Cleanse er perfekt til give følelse af renhed og sundhed

N Niklas
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Er på femte dagen nu og det virker allerede

A Anton
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Jeg føler mig ofte oppustet og forstoppet. Denne 10 dags udrensning har virkelig hjulpet mig med at rense min krop

J Jason
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Super produkt! Lige de ingredienser jeg ledte efter som jeg har hørt skulle være fantastiske til udrensning - det var de så sørme da også!

A Anne
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Meget tilfreds - kan anbefales til alle der døjer med oppustethed og som derfor gerne vil have en hurtig og effektiv udrensning

L Laura
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Har brugt dette i de 10 dage og jeg må sige, jeg føler mig så meget bedre!

J Jaana
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Jeg føler mig konstant oppustet og forstoppet, og det hjalp virkelig. Det er lidt dyrt, men jeg ville ikke bruge det hele tiden. Bare de 10 dage ind i mellem

D Dayna
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10 dage er en periode at tage disse, og jeg føler mig bedre, jeg er på dag 6.

D Delilah
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Rigtig god til prisen

S Sonia
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Jeg synes den er god, men er kun en 10 dages kur

H Hana
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Het is okay Top

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Goedkoper dan andere merken ,werkt evengoed

A Ann
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Weet niet of dit werkt

R Roos
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Bon produit que je recommande.

S Salima
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Dankzij de colon cleanse ben ik eindelijk van dat opgeblazen gevoel af.

K Karina
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De eerste keer dat ik weer een fatsoenlijke stoelgang heb. Dankzij colon cleanse!

D David
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Een aanrader voor mensen met constipatie problemen.

J Jolie
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Geen bijwerkingen, maar wel top resultaten.

L Lisanne
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Ben er tevreden mee.

B Bart
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Werkt goed en geen last van bijwerkingen. Top!

K Kiara
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Voel me weer veel beter, had erg last van opgeblazen gevoel, is nu dus weg

J Jens
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Werkt echt

D Daan
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gemakkelijk te nemen en kuur duurt niet lang

S Sarah
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leuk dat het natuurlijk is! daar keek ik echt voor uit

L Loewi

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